At Mamo & Mono we love decluttering. Decluttering not only makes it easier to have an organised home, but will also give you the added benefit of peace of mind. Your home should be your sanctuary, and if it is filled to the brim with lots of things then it can start to affect your day to day and how you function as a person. Before we talk about the benefits of decluttering, let us talk a little bit about clutter and why it might occur in the first place.
What is clutter?
When one thinks of clutter, some of the following words come to mind:
- Messy
- Untidy
- Disorganised
But often clutter is more than meets the eye. There may be a story behind why things have progressed to this level. For example, some of the reasons might include:
- Mental health difficulties
- A house move
- A new baby
- A bereavement
- Elderly parents moving in
- A new job
Other reasons could be:
- Not having access to the correct storage facilities, for example, a wardrobe
- Others may have a sentimental attachment to their belongings, therefore making it harder for them to give them away
When there is lots of clutter sometimes it is hard to get out of this situation, and after a while it is viewed as the ’norm’. Therefore, by decluttering, it may not just have the effect of just clearing a space, it may have the larger impact of changing a person’s life.
So let’s talk about some of the benefits of decluttering.

1. Removing the mental load
Less clutter around you means less things to think about. Less worry about what that pile of clothes is doing there or what is lying underneath those loose sheets of paper!
As a mother we understand that we often have a running list of things to do (which is unlikely to go away anytime soon), but by removing extra items that are not required, this will prevent them from becoming another job in your already long to do list.
And, trust us, we understand how big of an undertaking this task is and we know that it might be the case that you may not be able to declutter every single room in your home. However, just by starting process you will start to see benefits.
Furthermore, you will have less thoughts about returning home and having to start tidying the living room or worrying about the state of the bedroom before you have even entered it. Just having less things to think about will give you added relief. By creating a bit of room in your mind this can even have the added benefit of allowing you to be more productive. You will be able to think a little more clearly as you are not bogged down thinking about all your belongings.
2. More open space
Having more open space gives the illusion of a larger living area and in turn makes you feel more comfortable in your surroundings. Children often love the open spaces too as they have the room to play and move around freely in their home.
Having more space will hopefully allow you to feel more at peace in your home. Plus, you will be able to see most areas in your home, therefore, there will not be any nasty surprises waiting behind a pile of shoes. Your home will feel like it is new and you will start to appreciate it more.
Once you have experienced a life with more living space it is hard to go back to how life used to be. You feel more at ease at home, you will enjoy it more and will start to see it more like a sanctuary.
3. Less to clean
Imagine cutting your cleaning time in half due to there simply being less to clean! Sounds like heaven to us! Freeing up surfaces means that there is less dust, having less on the floor means that there is less to pick up! This is all time that you get back. And although it may not seem like much, but add this extra time up over a week or a month, and then it starts to build up.

4. Less to organise
Do you sometimes find yourself organising a space, it getting messy and then organising it time and time again? Well, if there are less objects in that space then it makes it very easy to organise. For example, if you have coats and shoes in the entrance corridor, but then you donate the shoes that are too small or coats that are old, then you start having less clutter in the entrance hallway and it is a lot easier to organise. Before you know it, leaving the house in the morning with children will be a breeze. All of a sudden it becomes much easier to not only organise areas in the home, but to keep them that way too.
5. More time
With less clutter comes more time due to not needing to clean and organise as many objects, which in turn could lead to having more time for yourself. As a mother we all know that we need to take whatever time we can get. It is not often that we can have a break. So, if that extra time is 30 minutes for your favourite show, or a nap or simply scrolling on your phone it could help to make you feel a little refreshed during a hectic day.
6. Easier to find things
How many times have you been about to leave the house and then you lose your keys? You end up running late as you are looking everywhere for the lost keys! But if you have less clutter, then you have less places to find what you are looking for. Furthermore, if you have put in the work and decluttered your home extensively, then you may get to the point where all you will need to do is scan the room and you might just find what you are looking for! Less clutter means less time spent looking for lost objects.
7. Children can help
Once the clutter has been removed and order restored, then you can recruit your children to help. They will be less overwhelmed by the quantity of things and will be able to start stepping up in regards to helping out in the home. Small tasks like putting the toys away will be much easier with less toys instead of them having to sort through a mountain of toys. This then means you will have less to tidy over time as your children will grow up taking more responsibility for themselves and their belongings.
8. Increased productivity
At Mamo & Mono, we feel that you are more likely to be productive with less clutter. This is especially beneficial if you are a mother who is studying for exams. By removing clutter and in turn having less to organise and clean, you will free up time to focus on your studies. In addition, removing the worries about the mess will free up space in your brain!
9. Unannounced guests are welcome
Living in a house with reduced clutter allows you to avoid having to complete that last minute super speed organise/clean when someone pops over unexpectantly. Even if there are some things to clean (such as the bathroom), it won’t be as hectic as having to toss hundreds of objects into a cupboard! Soon your home will be open to all visitors, those who have planned ahead of time and the last minute ones too!
10. Less laundry
I think this is our favourite benefit of decluttering. Having less laundry! Even the strongest of mothers have fallen as a result of laundry! Set the scene, imagine not having overflowing laundry baskets, less spins in the washing machine and not having to dry and fold the laundry every single day. Sounds like heaven!
Well, this is all possible by decluttering! By looking through all your clothes and donating ones that are too small or throwing away those which are damaged, then you will start to see that you will have less and less to do. An added benefit on top is that you will have less clothes to fold and put away. Furthermore, wardrobes will not be packed to the brim, which in turn makes getting dressed in the morning a lot easier.
This will then lead to a change of mindset where you will be more intentional when shopping, as you will know exactly what you have at home and what you will need. Therefore, this will mean you don’t buy duplicate items of clothing.

11. Less time to get ready
With less clothes, wardrobes will be less packed, meaning that it will be easier to see what you have when getting dressed in the mornings. You have less choice and therefore getting ready in the morning becomes a smoother process. And if your child’s wardrobe is also decluttered it then means that they will also be able to get ready quicker in the mornings, and with older children, they will be able to get themselves ready easier as they won’t need to ask you where everything is!
12. Finding hidden treasures
Sometimes whilst decluttering you might find some hidden treasures. Treasures like a photo of a parent in their teenage years, your baby’s hospital tag or even an important letter that you thought you had lost. Discovering these sentimental items whilst decluttering may be the trigger you needed to continue your decluttering journey. Or sometimes, just finding something sentimental might remind you of your values and encourage you to display these items in a way that they can be appreciated by all.
13. Appreciating the things that you already have
With less belongings this leads to more appreciation of what you have. For example, if you knew that you only had 3 good pair of jeans instead of 20, then you would make sure that you looked after them, they were cleaned properly and they were kept in good condition. Sometimes, it is easy to fall into the trap of wanting more and more when in fact you already have everything that you need.
14. Saving money
When you have well and truly caught the decluttering bug, then it spills over into other parts of your life, especially, when it comes to shopping. You start to question what you truly need to bring into the home. Do you really need another pair of shoes to add to the already 25 pairs in the wardrobe? Or do you need another wooden spoon when there are already 5 in the drawer? So now shopping takes on new meaning, and you may even start questioning what others are bringing into the home. With this mindset shift you may end of saving money as you are not buying things ‘just for the sake of buying things’ but you are being intentional.
15. Being a good role model for your children
Children develop good or bad habits from their parents. As a parent you have to remember that your children are watching what you’re doing very closely. When they see a parent that regularly declutters and wants to make the home a clutter free sanctuary, they will grow up surrounded by this and will hopefully want to implement this into their own lifestyle as they get older. Becoming an adult is hard enough, however, if you have the fortune of raising a child who already knows how to keep order, this can benefit them for years to come therefore helping them in their adult years. By you decluttering, it does not only benefit you, but benefits your children in the future.
Thank you for reading ‘15 Amazing Benefits of Decluttering your Home that will make you feel like the chilled mother you have always wanted to be’. This is a topic that we are very passionate about as we truly believe that decluttering can change your life. Our mission is to make life easier for all mothers out there, and this is definitely an article that can help all mothers. It does not matter if you only manage to declutter one corner of one room, all that matters is that you have started. It can take months or years to truly declutter everything, and with time you will also learn to maintain it. So we hope that you enjoyed this article and that it has helped you.
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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