We love our quotes here at MAMO & MONO. Especially ones as dreamy as these are. We know that feeling of unconditional love that happens with your children. For some it is immediate, for others it takes time, but when you get to that place there is nothing that you would not do for your child. The love that you experience for your child is like no other.
Below you will find ‘8 Beautiful Motherhood Quotes to Make you Feel Warm and Fuzzy’.
MESSAGE FROM MAMO & MONO: We are happy for you to use our quotes for non-commercial purposes. However, please kindly credit back to our page. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
‘You are everything and more’MAMO & MONO
Having a child changes everything. The minute you have your baby your world changes and they become the centre of everything. They are more than you could ever imagine, more than anything you could have ever hoped for. They are perfection.
‘The universe is not enough for you’MAMO & MONO
As a parent you want to give your child everything. You would sacrifice yourself for them, give them the universe if you were able to.
‘You are my direction in life
My reason for being
My drive
My hope
My love’MAMO & MONO
All of a sudden the purpose of your life has changed, all because of this little human looking back up at you.
‘Half asleep
Half awake
But a whole mother’MAMO & MONO
There are days where it feels like we are barely getting by, you feel like you will never know what it will feel like to sleep again, just know that on these days you are still a wonderful mother and your little human loves you so much.
‘Life is what you make it
Make it into dancing in the rain
Baking cookies
Painting with hands
Reading under the covers
And long bike rides
Create gorgeous lifelong memories for them’MAMO & MONO
They only have one childhood, it goes by so quickly, pack in as many beautiful memories into it as possible. Childhood is so precious, let it be magical, special, and glorious. They will hold onto these with them for a lifetime.
‘Your laughter
So pure and innocent
Is a combination of birds singing in the morning
And heaven’MAMO & MONO
The innocence and heavenly laughter of a child is so precious. If you’re having a bad day it will remind you why you do what you do as their mother.
‘Your toothless smile
Your tiny toes
Your round belly’MAMO & MONO
Toothless smiles are truly one of a kind.
‘Your waves crashed into me, I’m drowning in your love’MAMO & MONO
You didn’t even know it was happening, and then all of a sudden you are consumed with the love of another human being. It is so strong that you don’t know where you begin and end.
We hope you enjoyed the article as much as we enjoyed writing it.
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