Mothers truly have one of the hardest jobs in the world; and on top of this, there are some mothers who are working, studying or doing both alongside raising children. We just know that all mothers can succeed with hard work, determination and some really good planning!
Here at Mamo & Mono we want to share a few tips for mothers who are currently studying for exams, have assessments or essays.
Below is the article ‘9 Extremely Useful Tips for Studying as a Mother to help you Ace your Exams’.
1. Remove Clutter
Having less clutter simplifies your life as it frees you to focus on what truly matters; therefore allowing your studies to take more priority. By removing excess things from your life it means that you have less to organise and clean, as a result reducing stress levels.
By removing surplus things, such as giving clothes to charity or donating toys you will create a space which inspires you to work.
It also works to simplify your mind as you are holding onto less thoughts as there are less tasks to complete.
2. Get Organised
This goes hand in hand with removing clutter. Mothers who are studying need to be extra organised to balance all the tasks they need to complete. Some ways one can get more organised include:
- TO DO LISTS – this not only allows you to visually see which tasks you have to complete, they also help to remove the mental load from your mind
- CALENDARS – writing down key dates ensure that you do not miss important events. Furthermore, you are aware of upcoming appointments such as birthday parties, dentist appointments or school events
- A HOME NOTICE BOARD – this is beneficial as it can highlight the main events occurring the next day or a on a week by week basis
- A DIARY – again, like a calendar, it is helpful to have something that you can take everywhere with you, to remind yourself of important dates. These work well during meetings where you can check then and there if you are free. Other calendars include those found on your phone, and some may feel these are superior due to their ability to remind you of key events ahead of time.
By using some of these methods, this will allow you to keep on top of everyday tasks, remove your mental load and be able to prioritise more study time.
3. Start Early
When you have children you realise that the things that used to be relatively simply (for example leaving the house to go food shopping) can feel near impossible. This is the same with studying. Therefore, it is vital that you leave yourself plenty of time for your studies.
Make allowances for events such as your children picking up coughs and colds, doctors’ appointments, sleepless nights or family emergencies.
As a result you will have to start preparations for exams or assessments months before most; however, you will be thanking yourself for the extra time and it will drastically reduce your stress levels. For example, if you give yourself enough study time, but you lose one week due to your child (or children) being unwell, you can pick up a week later with little harm to your study schedule (and of course less stress).
Furthermore, some mothers report that following having a baby it has taken them longer to retain information due to baby brain or lack of sleep. Therefore, by starting earlier it will allow your studying to be more effective

4. Studying with a ‘New Brain’
Lots of mothers have reported brain fog, or baby brain since having their children. They often feel that they cannot function or think how they used to pre baby. At Mamo & Mono, we know that every mother can achieve whichever goal they are striving for, however, if you are one of the ones who feels that their brain is not what it used to be, here are some tips to help:
- SIGN UP TO COURSES – These allow you to sit back and absorb information instead of having to read it yourself. And due to the pandemic, a lot more courses are taking place online (much more convenient for mothers), therefore you can sit in the comfort of your own home and enjoy in slippers and PJs
- YOUTUBE VIDEOS – There are many free YouTube videos out there, and it is most likely that there will be a video out there to help with your studies
- PODCASTS – Again, if you feel that your ‘brain isn’t working’ then these are great, as they can also free your arms and legs, so if you wanted to be super-efficient you could listen and get housework or cooking completed at the same time.
5. Ask Those Who Have Done this Before
Often there are others who have gone before you and have already been in your position. Getting advice and tips from other mothers who have already studied with children is invaluable. They can help to motivate you; in addition you can learn from their experiences and mistakes. Furthermore, depending on how well you get on with them, this might even be an opportunity where they could become your mentor. Therefore, going forward you would always have someone to go to for advice.
6. Accountability Partner
An accountability partner is someone who essentially helps another to stick to their commitments. They can be in the form of a spouse, a friend, a relative, colleague or study buddy. By having someone make sure that you are studying (and sticking to your goals), they will help to motivate you and keep you going even when you don’t have the drive to. Sometimes having someone giving you that extra push keeps you on track and this will ultimately help you to complete your study goals.

7. Ask for Help
Sometimes it can be overwhelming to try to do it all. And when things feel like they are getting on top of you, this is where you can ask for help. We understand that not everyone will have a village of people ready to support, however, help can come in multiple forms. Here are some things you can try to do to lighten the motherhood load:
- CLEANING – Depending on finances, maybe bringing in a cleaner on a short-term basis or longer term basis may help to lighten the load and free some time for you to focus on your studies
- COOKING – If you family/friend support, can they help with meals? Can they batch cook for you? If you don’t have anyone around to help, could you batch cook yourself for example in preparation for a big day, such as an upcoming exam
- LAUNDRY – Are there any local services that you can pay for a short time to help with laundry if finances allow for this, or can family/friends help
- GARDENING – Are there local gardeners that can help maintain your lawn or trees if you have a garden?
- CHILDCARE – If you have family/friends around are they able to help with childcare, if you do not have support (if finances allow), is there any flexibility in your childcare? Can you increase the days your child(children) attend to allow for more time to study?
8. Keep Going
It is very important to keep going. There will be days where you feel like you haven’t done much, and this can be disheartening, but just remember, that it is still progress. Everything that you do, small or big is helping you to improve. A tiny step is still a step forward. Keep going, you will get there in the end.
9. Believe in Yourself
Mindset is everything. And this is arguably the most important of all the points. If you believe you can, then you achieve it. There will be people along the way who will try to discourage you, say that you can’t do it or try to break your spirit. Just remember that you are creating a better life for yourself and your family. Trust in yourself and trust the process, keep putting in the hard work and it will pay off. Even if you do not see the results immediately, keep moving forward and you will get there in the end.

We hope that you enjoyed the article ‘9 Extremely Useful Tips for Studying as a Mother to help you Ace your Exams’.
We know that you are capable of achieving all of your dreams.
Team Mamo & Mono xoxo
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