Below is the article ‘A Comforting and Warm Open Letter to the One Feeling Lost in Motherhood’
On the outside it looks as if you have it altogether. The picture of perfection, however, on the inside you are just about holding on. Laundry up to the ceiling, piles of plates in the sink and toys all over the floor. How did this happen?
This is what you always wanted right? This is what you always dreamed about, right? And yet, you have completely lost yourself. You don’t even recognise yourself in the mirror. Motherhood has been all consuming and washed away any shred of identity. And let’s not even talk about sleep, or the lack of it. You walk around like a zombie as you and sleep are now distant cousins.
Despite all this, your child is all smiles, continues to grow and even seems to thrive in the mess.
But, even if you don’t agree, you 5 years ago would look at you today and be so proud of all your accomplishments. And most of all she would be proud of your persistence and ability to continually step (and live) outside of your comfort zone.
And despite how you feel about yourself, despite how you feel you are doing in motherhood, somehow, for some strange reason, your children continue to look up to you like you are the most beautiful, competent, funny and kind mother in the whole world. You are their safe space where they feel wanted and loved.
So, when you feel like you have failed at the motherhood test, look at your children and you will realise that you have passed with flying colours. And slowly but surely, you will put the pieces of you back together.
When you are older and wiser, you will look back at this period of your life, and you won’t remember the piles of laundry, you won’t remember the dirty plates or toys, all you will remember are warm miniature hugs, wet kisses and lots of love.
We also wanted to say that we are proud of what you are doing for your children. They may not thank you now, but they will look back at these years with the most fantastic, wonderful and magical memories.
It’s ok if today was not the best day
It’s ok if it felt aimless and unproductive
But I bet your little one had the time of their life today
I bet they loved being with you
I bet they ran to you
I know they love you
So be kind to yourself
You’ve got this
We hoped you enjoyed reading ‘A Comforting and Warm Open Letter to the One Feeling Lost in Motherhood’.
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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