Returning home with a new baby changes everything. Who you were before baby has changed, and it can all be a bit confusing. We have written an open letter to all mothers who are currently in the postpartum period. We hope that some of this resonates with you.
Below is ‘An honest open letter to all powerful, strong and brave postpartum mothers’.
Dear Mama,
You have just given birth and now have the new job of healing your body whilst caring for a baby. You have a beautiful baby who you adore, however suddenly everything shifts from you to baby. Nobody asks how you are, how you are feeling or how you are healing. You are given advice about ‘how you should be doing everything’ and yet all you want to do is nothing. In the space of a few days you went from watching movies in bed to the trauma of childbirth to looking after a newborn. No time for that to even sink in.
We see you and your struggles. Just know that this time will pass and that despite what you think you are doing a brilliant job. Your new baby loves you. Be true to yourself and only take in advice that you feel is positive and helpful, let everything else roll off your back. You are doing amazingly well, and we salute you.
Because mothers can look so well during the postpartum period, it is often overlooked that this can be one of the most difficult times (emotionally and physically) for her.
It is a time when you cannot even be alone with your thoughts; infact your thoughts do not even make sense due to sleep deprivation and the intensity of looking after a newborn.
You cannot even recognise yourself.
Somehow, amongst the beautiful chaos of looking after a baby you have to adjust to a new you. You can no longer speed around the house or lift the heaviest box in the garage, suddenly you are frail vulnerable and have to rely on others.
Be patient with yourself and just know that this period is very temporary. Spend time with your little one. Your little one does not care what you look like, they love you and are grateful for you.
Also, don’t forget that you can say no. Not everyone needs to visit you and see you when you are at your most vulnerable. And if you are expecting visitors, don’t feel that you need cater to them, put yourself first, even if they think badly of you, it is not about them it is about you and your mental health.
The postpartum period can be one of the hardest times of your life that you need to overcome, so be kind to yourself. We know that you are already doing a great job mama.
And just remember,
‘She is supernatural
She is a miracle
She will knock you over if you get in her way
She is phenomenal
Do not underestimate her
She will and can achieve anything
Just watch her go’

We hope that you enjoyed ‘An honest open letter to all powerful, strong and brave postpartum mothers’. And just remember that YOU CAN DO IT mama!
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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