As a mother there will be difficult days, weeks, months or seasons. Just know that you were made for this and that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There will be times where people will try to tear you down, but just know in your heart that you are phenomenal, and your children love you dearly.
Below are ‘The Best 14 Motherhood Quotes to Help you Keep Going During a Difficult Time’
MESSAGE FROM MAMO & MONO: We are happy for you to use our quotes for non-commercial purposes. However, please kindly credit back to our page. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
‘You will rise from the ashes and leave them in glitter dust’MAMO & MONO
Sometimes it can feel like you are rock bottom and things will not get better. Just know that your time will come and you will rise up again.
‘You are and always will be brilliant’MAMO & MONO
On the days where you feel like you are not good enough or doing enough, just remember how ‘brilliant’ you are. You always have been ‘brilliant’ even if you don’t see it.
‘Nothing worth having comes without difficulties
It will work out in the end’MAMO & MONO
We understand that this period is hard, draining, tiring, but soon you will see all the fruits of your labour, it will definitely be worth it in the end.
‘Your time in the sun is coming
Keep shining’MAMO & MONO
Just because times are hard now, just because things aren’t going to plan now does not mean that your time is not coming. Your time will be here soon.
‘You are strong
You matter
You are beautiful
You are loved
You can do it
It is already done’MAMO & MONO
These affirmations are so important. You have and will always matter, you can and will achieve whatever it is you’re setting out to achieve.
‘Sometimes struggles are sent to us as a sign to let us know that there are better times ahead with beautiful glorious things waiting on the other side. Nothing worth having in this world comes easily’MAMO & MONO
You have so many beautiful things waiting on the other side of your struggles.
‘It’s ok if today was not the best day. It’s ok if it felt aimless and unproductive. But I bet your little one had the time of their life today. I bet they loved being with you. I bet they ran to you. I know they love you. So be kind to yourself. You’ve got this.’MAMO & MONO
Your little ones love you regardless of whether it is raining or if the sun is shining. Even if you didn’t have the best day, they were so happy just to be close to you.
‘It does not matter how long it takes
Keep going
All that matters is that you reach your destination
Ignore the ones that tell you that you should be there by now’MAMO & MONO
You will get there! Who cares how long it takes?! We are cheering you on!
‘They will try and break you down
They will tell you that you’re wrong
Stay strong
Be confident in yourself
Stand your ground
They will never win
You will be victorious’MAMO & MONO
Do not let other opinions try to tear you down or distract you. They will never win.
‘It is so important not to compare yourself to others
It can be so destructive
Comparison eats at your soul
This is your own journey
And to be quite honest
You are phenomenal’MAMO & MONO
You are a beautiful soul, there is no one like you on this earth. You are on your own journey. Focus on you.
‘You went to bed late
Were up three times in the night
Got the children ready in the morning
Made it to work on time
And still completed your project
You are simply amazing’MAMO & MONO
Sometimes working mothers go through so much. How amazing are mothers for carrying on despite sleepless nights and tantrums in the morning?!
‘Ignore that voice in your head telling you that you are not good enough
Ignore that voice that says it is too hard
Ignore that voice that tells you to stop
Don’t stop
You are enough
It might be hard
But it can be done
And you will make it look easy’MAMO & MONO
YOU.CAN.DO. IT. Keep going. You have got this mama!
‘Release all of the negativity
It weighs down heavily
You were made to fly
You have wings don’t you know?’MAMO & MONO
You were made to soar, and you shall. Don’t let anyone hold you back.
‘Look at where you are now
Did you ever think that you would get here?
You are a confident queen even if you don’t see it
You are so capable
Being a mother has developed talents that you never knew you had’MAMO & MONO
Take a deep breath and look at everything that you have achieved so far. You are sensational;
Thank you for reading ‘The Best 14 Motherhood Quotes to help you Keep Going during a Difficult Time’. We hope that these motherhood quotes have helped you get through a difficult period.
Motherhood is such a gift, but we also understand that there are times when it can be challenging.
We know that you’re doing a great job.
MAMO & MONO xoxox
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