As a busy working mother of a toddler, it can be hard to keep on track of everything. That is why we have created ‘The Best 25 Essential Toddler Changing Bag Items (Checklist) that All Working Mothers Should Know’ so that you don’t have to.
For the most part, children are considered to be toddlers from around the ages of one to three years old. The abilities and needs of a child this age can vary greatly. However, we feel that our article will provide you with the best toddler changing bag essentials that you will need.
Below is the article ‘ The Best 25 Essential Toddler Changing Bag Items (Checklist) that All Working Mothers Should Know’
1. Nappies
You can never have enough Nappies! You never know what is around the corner with your toddler. If your toddler is pre potty training, then it is essential you have a good supply of nappies at hand. It is often the case that as soon as you have changed a wet nappy it is then swiftly followed by a soiled one all in the space of five minutes. Without having enough nappies, then a situation could turn sticky very quickly. The amount you need to carry depends on the age of your child and how many hours you will be outside of the home. For example, a short shopping trip might only warrant 2/3 nappies, however, a whole day out with your toddler might need 7/8 nappies.
2. Wipes
What would we do in a world without wipes? Wipes are often not just used for nappy changes and have a whole list of uses. Some include; wiping runny noses, cleaning dirty hands, wiping dirt off clothes or even cleaning a high chair at a restaurant! Wipes are indispensable when it comes to changing bag essentials!
3. Nappy bags
Nappy bags are crucial, as not only do they store dirty nappies, they also double up as bags used to store wet, soiled or dirty clothes. Most brands are scented, therefore, leaving a fresh smell within your changing bag. So, when you get home, you can either rinse the dirty clothes further or pop them straight into the washing machine.
4. Barrier cream
This is handy to have so that you can protect your little one’s skin. Most barrier creams come in smaller portable sizes that you can easily carry in a changing bag without them taking up much room. So you will have the peace of mind knowing that your child’s skin will be kept nice and moisturised throughout the day.
5. Changing mat
When out and about, it is often not known what type of changing facilities will be available for babies and toddlers. So if possible, it will be handy to have your own portable changing mat to remove some worry, as you would know that you would have your own clean mat to change them on.
A lot of changing mats already come with a changing mat included, however, if they are not included, you could always purchase a separate, because for the most part they can be easily stored and are often quite compact. Another item to consider, is the disposable changing mat. These are often purchased in bulk, can be used on their own or in unison with a regular changing mat. They are extremely handy, because, for example, in the case of a serious poo situation, instead of worrying about wiping down a regular changing mat, you could simply throw away the disposable changing mat thus saving some time and stress.
6. Change of clothes
At this age, toddlers are constantly needing a change of clothes, but of course, as they get older, the number of changes required in the day reduce.
You know your child best, so pack what you feel is necessary. If they are a messy little one, then you may need 2-3 changes of clothes (trousers, tops, socks, vests and underwear if potty training); however, if they are a tidy toddler, then 1 full change of clothing might be enough for them. The amount of extra clothes required, also varies depending on where you are going and how long you are out of the home. For example, if you are with family for the day, you may want to bring pyjamas so that in the evening they can be changed into these, and on returning home be put straight to bed.

7. Sunhat
During the summer months, it is a good idea to have a spare sunhat in your changing bag. Toddlers are only small, and may not be able to cope with the strong summer sun, so anything that helps to keep them cool will also keep them in a better mood.
8. Sunscreen
Again, it is sensible to have a tube or bottle of this readily available in the changing bag. There are so many travel sized sunscreens available now, which means that it is unlikely to take up too much space in your changing bag.
9. Blanket
Having a blanket available is a good idea, especially if you are out later than expected and the weather takes a turn. Of course, if it is that time of year, it is likely that your child will have warm clothes and a coat, however, it is always handy to have a blanket just in case.
10. Milk
For younger toddlers, it is likely they will still be drinking lots of milk. You will either have made some bottles of milk ready to take on your day out (disclaimer, please be aware of the time limits when it comes to keeping milk out of the fridge for long periods of time, we do not give medical advice here at Mamo & Mono, for further information on this please visit an official NHS website). In addition, you may have cartons of milk either ready to poor into sterile bottles or ready to drink with a straw.
11. Bottles
As mentioned above, you may need some sterile bottles, therefore, having these prepped and ready to go before leaving the house will make your life a lot easier.
12. Breastfeeding cover
If you are breastfeeding and want a bit of privacy, then don’t forget your breastfeeding cover! You’ll be able to feed in peace without the prying eyes of others.
13. Breast pads
Breast pads are an essential for all the breastfeeding mothers. Pack a few of these so that you don’t get caught out by leaky breasts, plus they will take up very little space in your changing bag!
14. Sippy cup/cup with water.
Having some water for your little one is vital. We don’t want you to be out, and all of sudden your little one has a pang of thirst, and you have nothing to give to them. The alternative could lead to a huge tantrum in the middle of the shopping centre!
15. Plate/bowl & spoon
If you are out and about around lunchtime or dinner time and you have packed a meal, then it might be handy to bring some of your child’s own cutlery and plate/bowls that they use at home. If they are unsure of their surroundings, they will at the very least be happy to see that their own spoon!
16. Bib
This will come in handy, especially if they are teething, or if they are eating or drinking throughout the day. Although you will have spare clothes ready to go, having a bib might allow them to wear that jumper for a little bit longer that day.
17. Muslin cloths
These are amazing and can be used in many ways. They can also double up as a bib, or be used to partially cover yourself if you are breastfeeding.
18. Snacks
Pack lots of snacks, snacks, snacks and more snacks! Whether these have been prepared at home or shop bought; these little toddlers can go from zero to one hundred if they are hungry. So, to prevent any huge tantrums our tip would be to pack lots and lots of snacks.
18. Toys
Sadly, not all places are baby friendly, and if you find yourself somewhere which is not child friendly, then you will thank yourself for packing some toys to keep your little one occupied. As you only have limited space in your changing bag, then it is best to stick to small toys.
19. Books
If you have a little book worm on your hands, then a nice way to keep them entertained when you are out and about is to pack a book. The more interactive the better. Sensory books are great for children this age. And of course, keep them small and so that they can easily fit inside the nappy bag.
20. Comforter or Teddy Bear
Some toddlers may feel more settled if they have a comforter or a teddy bear. Why not pack something that makes them feel safe and calm.

21. Change of top for you
Sometimes mothers can get caught in the crossfire, it might be a flying spaghetti meatball or your toddler using your top as a tissue. If you feel that you have been caught short before, then pack a clean top in the changing bag just in case.
22. Snacks/water
This is especially necessary if you are still breastfeeding. Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy from the mother, and if you have snacks and a drink available, then they will help to re-energise you.
23. Medicine
Sometimes it is nice to have this on hand, for example calpol, just in case your child develops a temperature when you are out, of if they have pain from teething. In addition to this, if your child has a bad case of teething, then it might be handy to have some for example teething granules present to help them feel more comfortable.
24. Plasters
Maybe keep a few just in case your child grazes their knee. Luckily, they do not take up much space in the changing bag.
25. Hand sanitiser
And finally, last on our list, hand sanitiser. This is extremely handy, especially if you cannot wash your hands immediately and you need them to be cleaned there and then. There are many types of hand sanitisers on the market now, and some come in nice and small compact sizes; these would be perfect to keep in your changing bag.
Thank you for reading the article The Best 25 Essential Toddler Changing Bag Items (Checklist) that All Working Mothers Should Know’. Have we missed anything off our list? Is there anything you think that we should add? We would love to hear from you in the comments section.
Mamo & Mono, Editorial Team
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