As Summer comes to an end and Autumn approaches, it is often a much wanted (and needed) cool breeze that is craved. Autumn is a cosy hug before the bitterness of Winter approaches.
At Mamo & Mono, we love Autumn because it is the season of warm jumpers, fluffy socks, blankets, hot chocolate, and lots of cosiness!
Only in Autumn can you see a natural array of colours with reddish hues, shades of brown, orange undertones and yellow tinges.
We have compiled a list of wonderful Autumnal activities that we feel that your children and the whole family will enjoy.
We hope that you enjoy this article ‘11 Amazing Low-Cost Autumnal/Fall Activities Guaranteed to Create Wonderful Childhood Memories’, and that it provides you with a warm virtual snuggly blanket.
Below is the article ‘11 Amazing Low-Cost Autumnal/Fall Activities Guaranteed to Create Wonderful Childhood Memories’.
1. Fun with Autumn Leaves
There is something very nostalgic about Autumn that instantly takes you back to your childhood. A time where most did not have worries or concerns; it was a time of joy and excitement. Think back to a time when you used to stomp on leaves and smile with pure joy at the sound of the crunching leaves under your shoes. Why not recreate these memories with your little ones?
Autumn leaves are a thing of beauty, and it is so delightful to see the beautiful tones, colours and textures of these fallen leaves.
Just as you once fell in love with Autumn, so will your children.
Why not take them out on a wonderful Autumnal walk?
They will simply adore being taken on a walk with the sole purpose being to hop, skip and jump onto leaves! They could further enjoy playing with leaves by:
- Collecting piles of leaves
- Throwing them into the air (as long as it is safe to do so!)
- Jumping onto a pile of leaves
- Making ‘leaf angels’ (a variation of snow angels)
Furthermore, you could take some home and use them for arts and crafts.
Your children could paint them, cover them in glitter or stick them onto paper to make a wonderful autumn display.
Oh yes, do not forget to capture the memories on camera with lots of photographs and videos!
It could even become a yearly family Autumn Tradition to take pictures of the children or family pictures, with the Autumn leaves making a stunning background.

2. Jumping in Puddles
Children really are simple creatures, and something as simple as muddy puddles can really get them excited. So why not let them get into their wellington boots, waterproof coats, hats and scarves and get them outside jumping into some puddles! And for some added enjoyment, jump in some with them. You will love it more than you think! Furthermore, this will create wonderful memories with their parents!
In addition to jumping in puddles, why not venture out on a short walk on a rainy day. Of course, we do not want your children to catch a cold, so keep the walk short, and cover up as necessary. They will love going out with their favourite umbrella whilst drops of rain fall around them. They will love spending quality time with you, and they will be spending time outside away from the television and their electronic devices.
3. Watching Movies with your Children
As Autumn approaches, the weather becomes cooler, and it also gets darker sooner. It is lovely to go outside, however, in the evenings it is often nice to be able to relax at home. Why not get comfortable and cosy and watch a film with your children. Add some snacks into the mix to increase enjoyment. Decide on a film that you will all enjoy, snuggle up and enjoy! Also, if it is not a school night, then maybe your children could stay up a bit later to watch this with you, they would absolutely jump at the chance to do this!
The beauty of watching a movie at home is that you can get nice and comfortable with lots of blankets, fluffy socks and warm jumpers!
To make your movie night even better, watch a film that was special to you as a child (and hopefully your children will love it too!).
4. Long Bike Rides
Teaching your child to ride their bike is teaching them a skill for life.
Not only would you be enjoy being outside, but it will help your child to develop physically and improve their coordination. In addition, you as their parent will also be keeping fit and active.
And with a child that is a bit older, you could start to venture out on your bike with them or as a family.
(Make sure of course that they are riding safely with the necessary precautions, such as helmets, knee and elbow pads).
And after a long bike ride, you could all come home to a lovely hot drink, and could talk about all the amazing adventures you went on and all of the wonderful places you discovered.

5. Cooking with your Children
Often, there will be days in Autumn where it is too cold to go outside, and on these days, why not stay home and bake or cook a meal with your children. Younger children love to help in the kitchen, see how things are cooked and love to be involved. Often, the kitchen can be a dangerous place for them, however, why not take one day aside and make it a fun activity to cook something with them.
Baking is something that is easy for them to get involved in, and you don’t even need to be particularly good at cooking. There are lots of shops which sell pre-made cake mix where all you need to do is add one or two ingredients.
Let your child stir the mixture, help them pour it into the cupcake liners, put it in the oven for the allocated time, and viola, they are bakers! It is as simple as that! And they will have a blast.
Not only will you be spending quality one on one time with them, but you could also use this as an opportunity to talk to them about their day, how school is going or find out if they have any worries. All these interactions will allow you to strengthen your relationship with them.
Furthermore, as your child grows, they will need to learn certain life skills. Learning to cook is an essential life skill, and if they enjoy the process, even better!
6. Family Board Games
This is a nice way to spend quality time with the family. Each family member can take turns choosing a board game where everyone can get involved. These will help your child form positive childhood memories and develop stronger family ties.
It would also mean that they would spend less time in front of their iPad, phones, or television. And you may even find that in the future they may actually prefer to play a board game instead of watching a children’s show on their iPad.
7. Evening Autumnal Walks
There is just something different about taking a walk in the Summer compared to Autumn. It just feels different. Children will enjoy afternoon or early evening walks, whether, it is just to get some fresh air, or whether it is a trip to the park. If you have a local forest, then you can explore the trees and have a look at nature, or you could simply have a walk around the local neighbourhood. Simply having the beautiful leaves covering the ground make it more magical than any other time of the year.
Also, if you are taking a walk when the sun is setting you will have the opportunity to take in all the sights of sunset!
8. Collect Conkers and Pinecones
Most adults probably remember playing with conkers at one stage in their life. And suddenly, during the Autumnal months, the floors are covered with them! Children are simply fascinated by them! Why not collect some with your children to take home? They could have a look at all the different types and shapes of them, and they could also be used as Autumnal decoration.
Pinecones are also great to collect alongside conkers, and would look beautiful as Autumnal decorations. They could even be displayed by your front door, or placed in a vase to display in the home.

9. Visit Local Farms
This is a lovely day out, especially when you have small children, as you do not need to be outside the whole day. At the farm, they will be able to learn about animals, and see what they look like in real life, how they move and the noises they make. This is a great learning experience, especially for toddlers and pre-school children who are just starting to learn the names of farm animals. This is also a lovely day out with family, and an opportunity to take some wonderful pictures or and with your children.
Farms are usually inexpensive to visit, and they provide so much stimulation and excitement for young children.
10. Attend a Local Fireworks Display
This is the time of year where they are many firework displays taking place. Why not enjoy this with your children and make it into a yearly tradition.
Firework displays are extremely exciting and fun, but if your little one is a bit afraid, you could used noise blocking headphones, or be further away from the main firework display. As your child grows, then slowly they will hopefully get used to fireworks and will become less afraid.
What is lovely and different about a fireworks display is that you venture out at night time, and this is fun for children, and forms part of the excitement. Furthermore, firework displays are excellent places to go to with family and friends, so that you can share the experience with others close to you. Having your children experience this with not only you, but their family members will make this experience extra special for them!
11. Pumpkin Picking
Children love pumpkin picking! The joy on their faces when they realise they are about to go to a pumpkin patch is priceless!
Take them along to the pumpkin patch to enjoy all the fun!
The pumpkin patch is not only a beautiful opportunity to make wonderful memories, but also a great opportunity to take the most wonderfully aesthetically pleasing photographs!
Since the pandemic, some pumpkin patches have been slightly more regulated, and some require you to book online first. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, google your local pumpkin patches, and if booking online is necessary, then book a good month in advance to guarantee yourself a spot.
Pumpkin picking is a lovely family day out, and often it does not need to be a whole day affair, and this is especially handy if you have young children. They will be able to enjoy this day without feeling overly tired or overwhelmed. It could also be a lovely yearly tradition for them.
Another positive (most likely negative for parents), is that it can get quite messy! And children often love anything that is messy! Often the fields of the pumpkin patch can be quite muddy (especially in the UK), and the children will have an opportunity to walk through lots of mud, which they will likely find amusing no doubt! It goes without saying, that they need to be wearing the right attire for a day out at the pumpkin patch, (one might consider wellington boots, a waterproof coat, hats, scarves and gloves).
Another advantage to pumpkin picking is that there is also an educational element.
The children will be able to see for themselves how pumpkins grow, and will also be able to pick them straight from the ground. In addition, they will be able to see different stages of growth and learn about the different varieties of pumpkins. Some of them to look out for include:
- Kabocha
- Delicata
- Casperita
- Butternut squash
- Acorn squash
- Autumn Crown
- Flat stacker
And would you believe, there are even more than these!

We hope that you enjoyed this article ‘11 Amazing Low-Cost Autumnal/Fall Activities Guaranteed to Create Wonderful Childhood Memories’. Please leave a comment if you can think of any other fun Autumnal Activities for the family, we would love to hear them!
Thank you again for reading.
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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