There is always the hope that as a working mother, once you get to the weekend, there will be lots of time to rejuvenate ahead of the new week. The reality is rather different with the weekend often being a second job. Even though it can be tough, there is always lots of fun and laughter with your little ones beside you. We hope that you enjoy this open letter and it resonates with you.
Below is the article ‘An Open Letter to the Tired Working Mother who made it to the Weekend with the Hope of Resting’
Dear working mother,
You made it to the end of the week unscathed. You got through the week with a one and five year old. You got them both fed, washed and dressed multiple times this week. There were no major incidents, no forgotten P.E. bags, you didn’t sleep through your three alarms or your snooze, you found all missing shoes in a timely manner, all school forms signed and delivered on time and there were no temperatures (only the usual trademark runny nose). You should congratulate yourself for this achievement.
As it has been such a long and hectic week for your little ones, you thought it would be best for them to sleep on time and then you could have some ‘me time’ in the evening. You’re also so sensible and mature that you’ll only watch TV for a short while, so that you can have an early night and wake up refreshed. Fast forward 5 hours, 25 TikTok videos, 3 YouTube videos and a Netflix movie it is now 2am. You drag yourself to bed and feed yourself lies to make yourself feel better,
‘Don’t worry, they won’t wake up early, they have had a long and exhausting week, they will sleep in’.
Fast forward a few hours more and there is some sort of shadow watching over you. You are awoken with shock, fear, confusion and palpitations.
‘Mummy wake up, I’m hungry!’
‘Get up mummy’.
You try and negotiate and say it is the middle of the night, but it is futile. With your body still shaking you get up and start the day.

3 hours later you still haven’t woken up properly (despite standing upright), and now there is a carpet of toys on your living room floor. Where did all these toys come from? Who purchased all of this? Did Santa do this?
There is also simultaneous screaming, laughter, crying and running.
There is food crushed into the carpet.
And yet, your children are having the time of their lives playing in a completely dismantled living room. What a wonderful carefree life they are living. You look on with awe, amazement, and bewilderment. Welcome to the weekend.
For all the Mamas who feel like this period of time will last forever, it will not, and it is very fleeting. Soon they will sleep in and you will miss the chaotic days. But for now, keep going. We see that you are doing a great job, and regardless of how tough things can be, your children will continue to live their best lives. Keep going, you can do it and you are already doing it.
We hope that you enjoyed ‘An Open Letter to the Tired Working Mother who made it to the Weekend with the Hope of Resting’.
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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