Working motherhood is non-stop. There are always constant things to get done at work and at home. With working motherhood comes a lot of struggles too. However, with the struggles there is often always something to giggle about! We hope that we have brought some light to some of the challenges faced by working mothers and parents alike.
We hope that you enjoy this article ‘65 Very Real Funny Struggles of Working Motherhood that Most Mothers Can Relate to’.
- The laundry will never be completed. The basket will never be empty. Just accept it now and move on.
- There is a secret hiding place for socks. They are hijacked by some sort of elf fairy hybrid.
- Children grow faster than weeds, and their shoes are more expensive than your own.
- The mornings will never be calm ever again.
- Despite what time they go to bed, they will always wake up early.
- You cannot trust them to eat on the sofa.
- To all the potty-training parents, you are brave and strong.
- It takes 10 hours to leave the house with a newborn.
- People will offer advice and then poof disappear never to be seen again.
- You will never have an enjoyable car journey ever again (well maybe when they are older).
- No more sleep anymore.
- Who is this person called self-care? We do not know
- The minute you give birth you are given a 100 page leaflet to read before leaving the hospital.
- They will eventually write on the wall. Make peace with it now.
- At some point you will look a mess. This does not happen to everyone, but a lot of us.
- You pretend to smile when you want to cry.
- The weekends are no longer a break.
- People will ask you what you did all day, and you won’t have an answer.
- You wished you learned to cook pre children (remember, when you used to think you had no time)
- They will eat you out of house and home.
- Going to the supermarket with children is like ascending to the peak of mount Everest.
- You have no more social life, just children’s parties.

- School is intense.
- Let us say it again. School is intense.
- You didn’t know that starting school meant receiving 100 emails a day.
- Your glasses will get broken.
- The school run is only for the strongest.
- They don’t want to get into the bath and then they don’t want to get out.
- They will not sit in the car seat, or the highchair.
- They need the toilet just as you are pulling onto the motorway.
- You should go to bed before midnight, but you don’t.
- You can’t sit down and parent.
- You hear a baby crying when you are in the shower.
- You fill up 2 black bins of rubbish a day.
- All the toys are broken.
- It is no longer known what day of the week it is.
- The iPad is your best friend.
- Getting children ready before work and then going to work is like jumping into cold water.
- You don’t recognise yourself in the mirror anymore.
- Your brain doesn’t work like it used to
- You can’t hear your own thoughts anymore.
- If the iPad is not charged, then it is not going to be a good day.
- Christmas is a marathon.
- Within 10 seconds a clean living can be dismantled
- They will find a way to make clean clothes dirty even with a bib, muslin cloth or feeding apron on.
- There will be food in their hair every day.
- They don’t want you to change their nappy
- Playdough. It WILL get stuck everywhere.
- Glitter is the enemy.
- Sand is the enemy.
- They behave better with other people.
- 6 months have gone by, and you still haven’t booked that appointment.

- You have stopped replying to text messages.
- You seem to be constantly cutting their nails.
- You rewash the same clothes in the washing machine.
- When it is time to leave the house there is always a missing shoe.
- You cannot seem to form a full articulate sentence anymore.
- Your carpet used to be white and now it is grey.
- You watch the same Disney Film 20 times a day.
- They ask you everyday if it is Christmas yet.
- They don’t listen anymore.
- You yawn about 75 times a day.
- Bedtime is one of the hardest tasks you will undertake that day.
- You repeat yourself about 1000 times a day.
- If they are quiet for too long, then something isn’t right.
We hope that you enjoyed the article ‘65 Very Real Funny Struggles of Working Motherhood that Most Mothers Can Relate to’ and it made you smile just a little.
Team Mamo & Mono
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