This letter is for all the mothers out there needing some empowerment. To those who have been through tough times, the worst times and just keep moving forward. This letter is for those moving from disappointment to disappointment and not knowing which way to turn. You are a beautiful diamond, a stunning jewel, and you were placed on this earth to sparkle. And sparkle you shall.
Below is the article ‘An Open Letter of Encouragement to all the Mothers on International Women’s Day. You are Exceptional.’
Dear Mother,
First of all, we want to tell you that you are special. You are amazing, you are brilliant, you are gifted, you are royal and you are precious. You are a mother, you were born to be a mother, you are strong and you can take on any challenge that comes your way. Look back and see how far you have come; your younger self would be so proud of all of the obstacles you have already overcome.
You have so much to look forward to in this life, and you deserve it all.
You matter, you have always mattered, and you will always matter.
You worth more than you will ever know. You are one of a kind, unique and extraordinary. Above all you are truly exceptional, and please, do not dim your light for anyone.
You are Exceptional.
Wishing you a Happy International Women’s Day.
Thank you for reading our article ‘An Open Letter of Encouragement to all the Mothers on International Women’s Day. We hope that you found some inspiration in our words.
Mamo & Mono, Editorial Team
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