You always wanted more than one child, and you were blessed enough to make this happen. However, you were not anticipating the realities of life with two little ones. You love them more than you could ever articulate, however, the transition from one to two was tough. Regardless of how hard it has been, you continue to persevere, and for that you should be extremely proud of yourself.
Below is the article: An Open Letter to the New Mother of Two. It Gets Easier, and When it Does, it is Magical.
Dear Mama,
You were just starting to find your feet with one child, just got used to being pregnant with a little one, and then, here you are transitioning from one child to two. Yes, you knew it was coming, and yes you may have planned it that way, however, that still didn’t prepare you for the change that was to come.
The only view of motherhood you ever had was the one that revolved around one child. All your love, time and attention poured into one tiny human being. However, now you have two perfect tiny humans to take care of, and although this is accompanied by a rush of love, there is also a feeling of overwhelm associated.
What if I don’t have enough love for both of them? What if my eldest child feels left out? Will I be able to give my newest addition as much time as I gave your eldest? All these questions are flooding in whilst you are trying to navigate postpartum life with little to no sleep.
Things that you used to do with one child which were getting easier, seem near impossible now, for example, leaving the house with two children seems like it Is simply not worth it.
You struggled to find time for yourself with one child, but now, it seems like any sort of alone time or self-care is simply off the table.
With two little ones, the days seem to merge, and you live in a constant state of brain fog. There are some days spent in the same clothes, there is endless laundry, cooking, cleaning, and all accompanied by sleepless nights. You feel like a zombie, and you’re not sure when things will start to get easier.
And then, suddenly, one day your newborn miraculously sleeps through the night. And, in that moment, you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
You then start to see your children interacting, playing, laughing and cuddling. Your heart explodes just watching the love between the two of them. They are each other’s best friend, and it is utterly magical to watch. You also get to see how your eldest takes on the role of a loving older sibling, and in that moment, you know that it was and continues to be worth it. There will be times where they might bicker, where there might be some sibling rivalry; however, they will always have each other in their lives no matter what.
And as they start to grow, you will look back at those early days with such fond memories. You will feel proud of the mother that you were back when, back when you felt like you had nothing left to give. You gave them everything, and you just didn’t know.

The transition from one child to two is extremely challenging, however, the rewards are lifelong. You will watch both children together and wonder how it could have been any other way.
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Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono
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