Potty training is the stage in a child’s life where they are transitioning out of nappies and starting to gain more independence. No longer are they fully reliant on mummy, they are growing, learning, and getting used to the world around them. This can take time. This period requires patience. All your little one has ever known are nappies; so this transition is just as much as a shock to them as it is to you. As with everything, and as the saying goes ‘Good things come to those who wait’. Keep persisting with potty training, even if it feels futile. They will eventually get there.
Below is the article ‘To the Mother Who is Potty Training: Keep going, Keep persisting, You can do it!
Dear Mama,
You have just made your 50,345th trip to the toilet with your toddler, and you’re feeling pretty proud of yourself. You feel that you’ve got this….But then you notice they have gone quiet, they have moved into a corner, and are completely still….You’ve seen this before, you know what’s coming. You rush over to try to get them to the toilet, but you’re too late. You can already see a lump forming at the back of their clothes. You ask them in exasperation, ‘Why didn’t you ask mummy to take you to the toilet’ (despite knowing that there will be no logical answer), and as expected you receive a blank expression in response. You proceed to take them to get cleaned up, in the hope that the clothes are salvageable.
All the above has already happened before you have even reached lunchtime. Due to the utter chaos that was the morning, you didn’t manage to eat breakfast. So, you sit down with some food and finally start eating…But then you hear, ‘Mummy, mummy, I need to go to the toilet’. Against the advice of your grumbling stomach, you get up and walk with them to the toilet (and you’re also proud that they told you what they needed).
They sit on the toilet, and nothing comes out, no even one drop. They proceed to tell you ‘I’m finished mummy’. You congratulate them regardless and proceed to flush the toilet. Before you can even touch the flush, your hand is forced away by a karate chopping toddler hand, and they declare that ‘I can do it’. So you let them.
Next, they proceed to wash their hands, which consists of them pumping the hand soap dispenser 5 times on each hand. Following this they continue to spend 5-10 mins lathering soap over their hands with no progression to rinsing, so you try to help them rinse and you are scolded, ‘Stop it mummy, I can do it’. You try to turn off the tap, and your hand is pushed away, and they tell you aggressively ‘I can do it’. In their own time, they rinse, turn off the tap and dry their hands. Finally, you leave the toilet and you settle down for breakfast. Things are peaceful for 8 minutes. You then look up, as something doesn’t feel right in your gut. You then see them walking awkwardly towards you, and you see a wet patch on the carpet….

If this is a familiar story to you, just know that you are not alone.
They will get there in the end with lots of laughter, smiling and encouragement.
We wish all the potty-training mothers out there lots and lots of luck.
We hope that you enjoyed our article ‘To the Mother Who is Potty Training; Keep going, Keep persisting, You can do it!’. Tell us your thoughts. Does this sound familiar? Do you have any funny potty-training stories?
Mamo & Mono, Editorial Team
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