This letter is for all the working mothers who have never ending to do lists. For the ones who complete one job and then five others pop up immediately afterwards. For the mothers who feel like they are never on top of things. To these mothers, we know that you are doing your best, and we have written this letter to you to let you know that we understand where you are, but also, we know that you have the power to change things. You are a wonderful mother. You will overcome this challenging time.
Below is the article ‘An Open Letter to the Working Mother Who is Feeling Overwhelmed. It is ok to say no if you want to’.
Dear Working Mother,
You’ve had a bad day. It happens. You feel like you haven’t made any progress this week. It happens. You feel inundated with events, extra-curricular activities, emails and to-do-lists. Sometimes, unfortunately it happens.
You don’t know where to start tackling your never-ending list of things to do.
You have also found yourself in a spiral of saying yes to everything. Your body is saying no, however, your mouth keeps saying yes. You also keep overpromising, knowing fully well that you may not be able to deliver.
You are now at a point where you have reached your capacity. You don’t even know how you reached this point. It snuck up on you, and when you realised it had happened, you were already fully immersed in the overwhelm. If this is your current situation, then take a deep breath, and know that you can climb out of this and get through it. You can do this and you were built for this.
Take things one task at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time and one month at a time.
And, mama, do not be afraid to say no. You are allowed to say no. You are protecting yourself by saying no.
All those who love and support you will still be there even if you are unable to make the next family gathering or next social event. You ARE a priority. The reason why you are a priority is because if you are not well, then you will struggle to be the mother you wish to be to your children. When you say no to others, it often means saying yes to your children.
So, working mama, even if it feels like you cannot move yourself out of this, you have the power within you to move forward from this.
You are courageous, as it takes a lot of courage to be a mother.
You are powerful. You should be proud of where you are now and proud of your progress. Keep going. Keep pushing forwards. One step at a time you will move past this. You are stronger than you realise.

Thank you for reading our article ‘An Open Letter to the Working Mother Who is Feeling Overwhelmed. It is ok to say no if you want to’. We hope that this resonated with you. We would love to hear your thoughts. Please drop us a comment below.
Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono
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