Returning to work post your maternity leave is one of the most difficult and vulnerable times you can face as a mother. Of course you are capable of completing this transition smoothly. However, it can feel overwhelming at times dealing with so many different changes coupled with new emotions in such a short space of time. We see you and we are supporting you from the side lines.
Below is ‘The must read open letter to the mother returning to work post maternity leave’
Dear Mama,
Time flew by, and before you knew it, it was time to return to work. You spent months in your pyjamas, your dressing gown became one with your body, and now suddenly you have to separate yourself from your home comforts. All sorts of questions might be going through your mind. Will I still be capable of doing this job? Has the job changed since I have been away? Will they be welcoming? Let us not even forget the emotional rollercoaster it will be leaving your baby for the first time since birth. That feeling of your heart being ripped out of your chest. The thought of having to concentrate at work whilst worrying about your baby. What if your baby calls for you and you’re not there?
The truth is that none of us who return to work after baby knows what it will be like. But what we do know is that it takes a huge amount of courage to take the first step. And we see your bravery. It will take time, but you will settle into your role. Just remember that all this is for your little one; it is all for them and their future. They will one day turn around to you and thank you for this.
So take a deep breath. You can do this. One step at a time and you will get there.
And remember,
‘You are strong
You matter
You are beautiful
You are loved
You can do it
It is already done’
We hope this letter ‘The must read open letter to the mother returning to work post maternity leave’ has resonated with you as a mother on your motherhood journey.
Mamo & Mono xoxo
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