To The Hard-Working Mother Who Feels Like She is Not Making Any Progress. You will get there.

This open letter is about hard-working mothers and making progress.

This letter is for all the mothers who feel like they take 1 step forwards and 10 steps backwards.

For those who can’t seem to keep up with the demands of work, and feel like they have fallen behind when it comes to managing the home. To the mother who feels like no matter how hard she tries she will never get ahead. At Mamo & Mono, we know that it may feel that way, however, you are making progress, and you 5 years ago would be proud to see where you are today.

Below is the article ‘To the Hard-Working Mother who Feels Like She is Not Making any Progress. You will get there’.

Dear Working mother,

You’ve just had another extremely exhausting day at work, and now you have the pleasure of trying to rugby tackle a powerful muscular toddler into bed.

They have been a law unto themselves all evening. You left them be as you had not once ounce of energy. Somehow, by some miracle you managed to get them into bed.

You finally sit down.

Sometimes it feels like no matter what you do, you are not making any progress.

It seems as if every day you give your all at work, and at home, and yet get back nothing in return.

It feels like you are not winning no matter what you do. It is as if the world is passing you by, and yet you are stationary.

You no longer recognise the young fresh vibrant girl you used to be.

If this sounds like you, then we want to say that YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS, and you will get there in time.

You are doing your best at work, and that is all that one can ever do. And in regards to doing your best at home; you simply being present for your children is enough. They do not care if the house is a mess or if they had a takeaway during the week, they love you regardless.

Society can make working mothers feel like they are not good enough, are not doing enough, and this could not be further from the truth.

You are doing everything, and that is extremely challenging.

We see you and we appreciate you. You are moving forwards; you just can’t always see it.

You are magnificent.

Thank you for reading our article ‘To The Hard-Working Mother Who Feels Like She is Not Making Any Progress. You will get there.’

We would love to hear your thoughts below.

Editorial Team, Mamo & Mono

Picture credit: Unsplash – Kane Taylor, Unsplash – Nadi


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