Monday has come crashing back around again like a bad dream.
You find yourself again in the middle of a challenging morning with one child who has not yet finished breakfast and another having a tantrum. You wonder how on earth you are meant to turn this situation around in 20 minutes, in order to leave the house and get them to school on time. Does this sound familiar?
You even wonder how you made it this far into the school year?
And then you look back further.
Back to your pregnancy with them, your difficult labour, your challenging postpartum period and your painful return to work. You remember all the steps it took to get to where you currently are.
You quickly come to the conclusion that you are actually your very own superhero.
Despite all the obstacles that have been thrown your way, despite all the negative comments, despite all the setbacks, you have continued to show up every day for your children. You may not have brushed your hair that day or have matching socks, nevertheless you continue to persevere despite life throwing ongoing curve balls.
So, today we celebrate you, the resilient working mother who keeps going day after day, week after week and year after year.
You are spectacular.
Thank you for reading, we would love to hear your comments below.
Team Mamo & Mono
Picture credit: Brock Wegner
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